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Konferenza – Tfal, Gustizzia, Kriminalita’,

Il-Konferenza Pubblika organizzata mill-fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl fis-6 ta’ Mejju, bl-isem Tfal Gustizzja’ Kriminalita’ kienet success kemm mil-lat ta’ attendenza kif ukoll mil-lat ta’ partecipazzjoni. Dis-sena l-konferenza kienet iccentrata fuq it-tema tar-relazzjonijiet bejn il-prigunieri u t-tfal taghhom u kif sentenza ta’ habs tolqot mhux biss lill-prigunier izda anke lil dawk ta’ madwaru b’mod specjali t-tfal tieghu. […]

Att Dwar il-Gustizzja Riparatrici

Il-Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl tilqa’ bil-ferh il-pubblikazzjoni tal-abbozz tal-ligi li se tintroduci s-sistema tal-Parole f’Malta. Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl kienet ilha li bdiet tahdem fuq dan minn bosta snin ilu ghax minn dejjem fhimna li l-Parole ghandha tkun ta’ gid ghas-sistema penali ta’ Malta. Minkejja dan irridu nghidu li bhala Fondazzjoni ma naqblux ma’ xi whud mill-proposti bhal, […]

Answer to the Chairperson of the Prison Board

Il-Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl thoss li ghandha tikkummenta dwar dak li qal Dr Ivan Mifsud, Chairperson tal-Bord tal-Vizitaturi tal-Habs bhala reazzjoni ghal ittra miktuba minn-prigunier Olandiz mizmum f’Divizjoni 5 tal-Habs ta’ Kordin. Dr Mifsud beda billi ddeskriva l-habs ta’Malta bhala lussuz meta mqabbel ma’ habsijiet f’pajjizi ohra. Izda Dr Mifsud naqas li jghidilna liema pajjizi huma […]

Protection of Minors Registration Act

Knowing how important it is to safeguard children, Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl welcomes the legislative proposals set out in the Protection of Minors (Registration) Act which was presented as a Bill in Parliament. Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl however,believes that that the terms of the new legislation should only apply as of the date such legislation comes in force […]

REĊIDIVITA’: għaliex ?

Fis-16 t’April 2010, il-Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Għad-Dawl organizzat il-konferenza pubblika fuq is-suġġett tar-Reċidivita’. Għal din il-konferenza kien hemm attendenza numeruża u kienu preżenti anke l-ġurnalisti. IL-kelliema f’din il-konferenza kienu s-sur Desmond Zammit Marmara’, Dr Marilyn Clark, Dr Joe Giglio, Ms Marianne Zammit u Dr Charles Cassar. F’din il-konferenza MDD ippreżentat ukoll analiżi ta’ statistika li saret […]

Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl to become a foundation

Next Tuesday, December 9, 2008, Mid-Dlam għad-Dawl (MDD) will be given the legal status of a foundation. MDD stands for the dignity and respect of prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. MDD was established thirteen years ago, in 1995, by a group of prisoners held atMalta’s Corradino prison. Later that year it was continued on the […]

Ex-Prisoners: Branded for ever!?

April 10, 2008 Public Conference on the theme ‘Ex-Prisoners: Branded for ever!?’ St. James Cavalier, Valletta, Malta What real prospects do prisoners face after leaving the prisons? This is something so many talk about but very few work upon. The future of most ex-prisoners is blight. The conference, organised on the occasion of MDD’s 13th […]

A boy of 12 sent to Prison

Mid-Dlam għad-Dawl (MDD) protests most strongly against a case that was repeated in the space of just one month: a boy of 12 years of foreign descent was sent toMalta’s common prisons. Again, this decision is to be considered inhumane and cruel. The protests that were raised a month ago after a 13-year old girl […]

Parole: Its time has come?

March 1, 2006 Public Seminar on the theme ‘Parole: Its time has come?’ Millennium Chapel Complex, Paceville, Malta In collaboration with the Foundation Mikiel Anton Vassalli The aim of this seminar was to continue the public discussion about the introduction of the parole system inMalta. The meeting was addressed by Dr José Herrera, Labour MP; […]

Victims of Crime: Towards a better future

February 4 , 2005 Conference on the theme ‘Victims of Crime: Towards a better future’ Robert Samut Hall, Floriana, Malta This conference was addressed by some of the local heavy-weights in criminal justice, such as Dr Vincent Chief Justice De Gaetano, President Emeritus, Prof. Guido Demarco, and others. The participation of the publice was good, […]