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Life sentence: disappointment and sadness

Reference is herby made by Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl to the sentence awarded today by Judge Joseph Galea Debono at the end of the trial by jury of the Republic against Ibrahim Shnishah. The sentence given was life imprisonment, which is imprisonment unto death. Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl is extremely disappointed and saddened by this severe decision, especially after […]

Victims of Crime in Malta

November 11, 2004 Working Seminar on the theme ‘Victims of Crime in Malta’ Paola Local Council, Paola, Malta This year’s meeting was not open to the general public. It was rather a working seminar on the state of victim services in Maltaamongst chosen delegates. The seminar, was intended as a “stock-taking” exercise, was a first […]

“Persuni mhux adatti ghall-habs”

Mid-Dlam għad-Dawl (Daritama) tipprotesta kontra ċerta insensitività u imprudenza li bihom xi Onorevoli Maġistrati tal-Ġustizzja qegħdin jaġixxu fil-konfront ta’ ċertu nies ta’ natura partikularment vulnerabbli. Fil-ġudizzji tagħhom, ċerti Maġistrati japplikaw il-liġi mingħajr ġurisprudenza, speċjalment meta jibagħtu l-ħabs persuni li l-preżenza tagħhom il-ħabs tkun ta’ periklu serju għalihom infushom u anki ta’ diffikultà kbira għall-amministrazzjoni ordnata […]

European Union Against Life Imprisonment

A Green Paper published by the European Commission (COM-2004-334) on the 30th April 2004 confirmed what Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl has been arguing for years. The European Commission is proposing a total reconsideration of the punishment of life imprisonment leading towards its abolition on a Union wide basis. This, in the light of a proposal to align […]

Helsinki Conference on Victims of Crime

Two representatives of Mid-Dlam g]ad-Dawl, Fr. Mark Montebello and Ivan Cauchi, have just returned fromHelsinki(Finland) where they attended an inter-European conference about victims of crime. The conference, which was held between May 27 and 29, and was attended by 65 delegates from 20 European countries, was organised by Victim Support Europe (VSE; formerly the European […]

Finland Conference on Victims of Crime

Dr Mark Montebello O.P. and Mr Ivan Cauchi, respectively Director and Co-ordinator of Mid-Dlam g]ad-Dawl (Daritama) are to participate at the 18th Conference of Victim Support Europe (VSE; formerly the European Forum for Victim Services) in Gustavelund (Tuusula, Finland). The conference will be held between the 26th and the 30th of this month. The VSE […]

Condemnation of torture of Iraqi prisoners

Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl (Daritama) is shocked and disgusted by the deplorable treatment of Iraqi prisoners. Mid-Dlam ghad Dawl condemns such barbarities unreservedly. Prisoners are persons, and never, and under no pretext, must they be considered to be undeserving of humane treatment. If they are to undergo a sentence for some proven crime, then they are to […]

Denunciation of unjustifiable actions at the prisons

In the light of the extraordinary circumstances that have occurred at the prisons since last Sunday Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl publicly deplores the actions that are currently being taken by the larger part of the prisoners. We feel that these actions are unnecessary, and may be of a detriment to the prisoners themselves. As is well known, […]

Petition for an Amnesty

The collection of petitions to be sent to the Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Members of Cabinet for a generous amnesty to all prisoners continued steadily. The petition is being done on the occasion ofMalta’s accession to the European Union. The number of petitions collected are symbolic, in the sense that it was not logistically […]

“Visit a Prisoner” Scheme

Some weeks back Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl issued a call through the local papers to those who would have liked to make private visits to a male or female prisoner at the Corradino Correctional Facility. The initiative was taken since many prisoners, especially those of foreign origin, have no one to visit them. This fact adds, quite […]