Visiting Rules
- Expect to have a body search before each visit. For these searches you CANNOT be stripped naked or ordered to expose private parts of your body. If such a thing happens contact us immediately.
- Expect that everything you want to take to the prisons will be searched. Sometimes sniffer dogs may be used.
- NEVER argue with prison officers. Their word is final.
- NEVER use rude, abusive or foul language.
- ALWAYS respect all prison officers.
- ALWAYS obey their orders (even if you do not understand them).
- ALWAYS go for visits dressed decently.
- Any type of tobacco, lighters and matches
- Any type of toiletries (perfumes, soap, Eau de Cologne, etc.)
- Any type of washing powder or liquid including fabric conditioner
- Any type of stationery (pencils, rubbers, rulers, compasses, dividers, etc.)
- Any object made of metal, aluminum foil, silver, gold or glass
- Cheesecakes or pies
- Walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, chestnuts, etc., that are still in their shells
- Raisins and citrus fruit
- Dates, dried figs and honey
- Olives, stuffed or still with their stone
- Any type of biscuits
- Snails still in their shell
- Ricotta and all types of pastry horns
- Onions unless shredded and part of a salad
- Grated cheese
- Unshelled and raw seafood
- Any type of uncooked food
- Any type of soft drinks, Pepsi, Coca, Tea, Coffee, Squashes, Water, Ovaltine, Bovril, Horlicks, etc.
- Any type of alcoholic drinks (beer, wine, etc.)
- Any type of medicinal
- Metal coat hangers
- Stenna li qabel kull vista jsirlek search fuq persuntek minn fuq il-hwejjeg. MA TISTAX titnezza’ gharwien/a jew tigi ordnat tikxef partijiet privati ta’ gismek.
- Stenna li kull haga li tkun trid iddahhal il-habs isirlu search fuqu. Xi kultant jintuzaw anki l-klieb.
- QATT m’ghandek tgholli lehnek, titkellem hazin jew tidghi.
- QATT m’ghandek thaqqaqha ma’ l-ufficjali tal-habs. Il-kelma taghhom hi finali.
- DEJJEM ghandek tobdi l-ordnijiet li jaghtuk l-ufficjali, anki jekk ma tifhimhomx.
- DEJJEM ghandek tmur ghall-visti bi lbies dicenti.
- Kull tip ta’ tabakk, lighters jew sulfarini
- Kull tip ta’ toiletries (bhal fwejjah, sapun, Eau de Cologne, u l-bqija)
- Kull tip ta’ trab jew likwidu tal-hasil tal-hwejjeg, inkluz fabric conditioner
- Kull tip ta’ stationery (bhal lapsijiet, gomom, rigi, kumpass, dividers u l-bqija)
- Kull oggett tal-metall, fidda (karti), deheb jew hgieg.
- Pastizzi u qassatat
- Gewz, gellewz, karawett, pistachios, Brazil nuts, qastan u affarijiet ta’ dan it-tip li jkunu bil-qoxra
- Zbib u frott tac-citru
- Tamal, tin imqadded u ghasel
- Zebbug bl-ghadma jew mimli
- Kull tip ta’ gallettini
- Bebbux bil-qoxra
- Irkotta u l-ebda tip ta’ kannoli
- Basal sakemm ma jkunx imqatta’ ma’ xi insalata
- Gobon mahkuk
- Ikel tal-bahar bil-qoxra jew li ma jkunx imsajjar
- Kull kwalità ta’ ikel mhux imsajjar
- Kull tip ta’ luminata, Pepsi, Coca, tè, kafè, ruggati, ilma, Ovaltine, Bovril, Horlicks, u l-bqija
- Kull tip ta’ medicinali
- Spallieri tal-metall
Ikkonferma din il-lista ma’ l-ufficjali tal-habs fuq in-numru 2169 1428/9