Our Statute
There is hereby established a foundation Mid-Dlam għad-Dawl (pronounced: midlam ad-daul; and meaning From Darkness to Light).
The Foundation
The foundation shall meet at any premises determined as its seat from time to time.
The aims of the foundation shall be
- to find better ways of living for prisoners during their detention;
- to help ex-prisoners in their needs; and
- to give support to the families of prisoners and ex-prisoners in the difficulties they face.
Among the activities of the foundation there shall be
- the betterment, by non-violent means, of the situation of prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their respective families;
- the communication to the general public of any kind of injustice or irregularity that prisoners suffer during their detention;
- the necessary pressure on responsible persons so that prisoners may have a dignified human existence during their detention;
- finding ways through which ex-prisoners can reintegrate themselves satisfactorily in society after their detention;
- giving support and aid to the families of prisoners and ex-prisoners; and
- giving an emotional and educational formation to ex-prisoners, their families, and to the families of prisoners.
The foundation shall be administrated by an Executive Committee of not more than 7 persons, which will
- consist of those persons that the Executive Committee itself will accept and approve from time to time according to the foundation’s needs and circumstances;
- include a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson, and any other official appointed by the Executive Committee;
- be presided by the Chairperson of the foundation or, in his or her absence, by any person designated by the Deputy Chairperson for that purpose;
- regulate its own proceedings; and
- have amongst its functions the duty of:
- determining the policy of the foundations with regard to the objectives stated above;
- determining the meetings of the foundation; and
- guaranteeing the necessary collaboration with other organisations, local and foreign, with regards to the objectives stated above.
The amendments to this Statute may be proposed by the Executive Committee for the approval of the absolute majority of the members of the foundation.
Code of Ethics
For Volunteers Visiting Prisoners
1. Treat the prisoner with great courtesy, education and respect
2. Go for your visit wearing decent, clean and smart clothing
3. Be punctual and consistent in your visits to the prisoner
4. Speak with the prisoner without using any vulgar, indecent, rude or indecorous words
5. Talk to the prisoner in a sincere and honest manner, and absolutely avoid lying, even minutely
6. Respect the religious and political beliefs of the prisoner, and do not attempt to change those beliefs
7. Talk about other volunteers with prudence and respect, and do not say anything that compromises their moral integrity
8. Encourage respect towards prison authorities and officials, and never moan against them
9. Obey always the orders given by prison officials, and talk to them with all due respect and education
10. Do not promise the prisoner anything you cannot fulfil
11. Avoid keeping under your responsibility money, important documents, cloths, or any personal belongings of the prisoner
12. If you notice disturbing signs of depression in a prisoner, especially if these are suicidal, inform Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl’s competent officials
13. Keep to yourself any confidential information that a prisoner may entrust with you, as long that this does not constitute a danger for others
14. Talk about the difficulties that crop up with Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl’s competent officials
Ghall-Voluntiera li jzuru l-Prigunieri
1. Mal-prigunier uza kortesija kbira, edukazzjoni u rispett
2. Iltaqa’ mal-prigunier b’ilbies decenti, nadif u pulit
3. Kun puntwali u konsistenti fiz-zjajjar tieghek lill-prigunier
4. Tkellem mal-prigunier minghajr kliem baxx, doppju sens, insinwanti jew indecenti
5. Thaddet mal-prigunier b’mod sincier u onest u evita ghal kollox li tigdeb, anki b’mod ckejken
6. Irrispetta t-twemmin religjuz u politiku tal-prigunier u tippruvax iddawwarlu dak it-twemmin
7. Tkellem dwar voluntiera ohra bir-rispett u l-prudenza u tghid xejn li jista’ jnaqqas l-integrità morali taghhom
8. Heggeg ir-rispett lejn l-awtoritajiet u l-ufficjali tal-habs u tuza qatt kliem ta’ tmaqdir fil-konfront taghhom
9. Obdi dejjem l-ordnijiet ta’ l-ufficjali tal-habs u kellimhom bir-rispett u l-edukazzjoni kollha
10. Taghmel ebda wieghda lill-prigunier li ma tistax izzomm
11. Evita li titghabba b’responsabbiltà ta’ flus, dokumenti importanti, hwejjeg jew affarijiet ohra personali tal-prigunier
12. Jekk tilmah fi prigunier sinjali ta’ dipressjoni inkwetanti, specjalment suwicidali, ghid b’dan lil ufficjal kompetenti ta’ Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl
13. Zomm ghalik kull informazzjoni kunfidenzjali li prigunier jista’ javda mieghek, sakemm dan ma jikkostitwix periklu ghal haddiehor
14. Tkellem fuq id-diffikultajiet li jinqalghulek ma’ l-ufficjal kompetenti ta’ MDD.