Meeting with H.E. Prof. Guido de Marco
October 20, 2000
Meeting with H.E. Prof. Guido de Marco
President of the Republic
Metropole Hotel, Sliema
This meeting was somewhat disappointing. Unfortunately, though thoroughly prepared and organised, H.E. the President of the Republic was late in coming to the venue and early in leaving. Incidentally, the President left rather apruptly due to the fact that he strongly objected to some comments made by Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl and from the floor.
The theme discussed was Are the Priosners Human too? H.G. the Bishop of Gozo,Mons. Nicholas Cauchi, attended and addressed the meeting together with the President of the Republic. Public attendence, amongst whom numerous families of prisoners, was extremely good.
In its address, Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl highlighted aspects from the administration of justice at the local courts, the work leave and family leave proposals for prisoners, and the problems of prisoners’ families. The speech was prepared by Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl together with the prisoners during their weekly meetings in the prisons.
Unfortunately, however, the President objected strongly for doubts expressed in relation to the clean administration of justice, where it was said that money talk more than lawyers. Explaining that he had to leave early, the President abruptly walked out of the hall to the great astonishment, and disappointment, of all those present.
It must be said that, a couple of years later, when a magistrate and the Chief Justice himself were accused of corruption, Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl was proved absolutely right in its comments that day. This did not go unnoticed by the President of the Republic himself.