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Custodial Officers’ Decalogue

These rules were reprinted in an in-service training bulletin for correctional officers. The origin of these rules is unknown. I. IN A TEMPERATE AND TOLERANT MANNER always imply that you expect the correct attitude from inmates and fellow employees. Don’t expect trouble expediting any issue. Never show the slightest uncertainty as to the course of your […]

An interview with Rev. Dr Mark Montebello OP

Head of a prisoners’ self-help group, often in the line of fire from the Maltese Church, Fr Mark Montebello thrives under pressure and criticism. Mario Schembri Wismayer delves deep into this complex person in an effort to understand him.   A monk I ask how long Fr Montebello has been a monk. “I entered in […]

Hidden victims of crime

Even though we might have not experienced it ourselves, most of us are acquainted, if only by means of the media, with the scene of an offender, who after a trial, is finally taken away from court through that small side door by law-enforcers. We feel a sense of satisfaction at seeing the offender being […]

Fil-qorti ma’ l-akkuzat

Minn Dr Mark F. Montebello Mit-Tnejn, 29 ta’ April, sat-Tlieta li ghadda, 14 ta’ Mejju, ghal aktar minn gimghatejn, tajt is-servizz li nassisti fil-qorti kriminali lill-akkuzat Aimen El Baden waqt il-guri tieghu. Dan kien inkarigu ufficjali, fuq stedina ta’ l-akkuzat innifsu, u bil-permess formali tal-familja El Baden ta’ Tripli (Libja), ta’ l-awtoritajiet tal-habs, u tal-qorti. […]


An amusing dialogue that answers four main objections brought against Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl. Language: Maltese ISBN: 99932-26-03-3