Custodial Officers’ Decalogue
These rules were reprinted in an in-service training bulletin for correctional officers. The origin of these rules is unknown.
IN A TEMPERATE AND TOLERANT MANNER always imply that you expect the correct attitude from inmates and fellow employees. Don’t expect trouble expediting any issue. Never show the slightest uncertainty as to the course of your action. You must be a leader in the strongest sense of the word, for your integrity as an officer is forever in an extremely hazardous position. You must know the exact limits of your authority. Never show that you have been angered personally by being profane, vulgar, or abusive in any manner.
KEEP A PROPER SENSE OF PROPORTION. Do not make a tremendous issue over some minor matter and then let a larger situation get out of hand because of lack of knowledge or fear to tackle it.
HAVE A SOUND KNOWLEDGE of the general custodial requirements of your institution, the chain of command, the basic impact of educational and recreational needs, and the great potential of spiritual guidance.
DO NOT FAIL TO SHOW RESPECT. The inmate, as a personality, is usually a reasonable human being. Allow him to express himself, for respect is the basic factor in discipline, and to be most effective, discipline must be sure and impersonal.
EXPRESS YOUR APPRECIATION when behavior is commendable. Inmates and fellow employees are just as grateful for praise as you are and it seems sometimes that precious little is offered. The appreciation you show today may eliminate tomorrow’s discipline.
NEVER REFUSE A REASONABLE REQUEST. When refusing a request, explain why it is necessary and express your regrets.
NEVER ENDEAVOUR TO PUNISH AN ENTIRE GROUP; however, when it becomes necessary, explain why it is. If any loophole can be left for the clearly innocent, leave it.
NEVER THREATEN DISCIPLINE. Be sure that when discipline becomes necessary, it will be enforceable and upheld by your superiors. When you find it necessary to invoke the aid of your superior in enforcing discipline, give him all the facts and reasons and these should be in writing. Your superior has as much or more at stake than you have, but don’t expect him to be a mind reader.
NEVER USE UNNECESSARY FORCE to gain control of any situation. To proceed with force beyond control the treatment then becomes brutal. An officer exercising brutality is liable in the strictest sense.
CREATE GOOD PUBLIC RELATIONS. Treat all visitors with the utmost of courtesy. Avoid propaganda and disloyalty. Extend your efforts beyond your immediate correctional horizons and contribute to the general welfare of your community.
L-10 Kmandamenti tal-Gwardjani
Dawn ir-regoli kienu dehru f’bulettin ghal gwardjani li kienu qeghdin jaghmlu kors ta’ tahrig. Min kitibhom m’huwiex maghruf. Il-versjoni Maltija saret minn Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl (Daritama).
B’MOD KALM U TOLLERANTI dejjem implika li tistenna attitudni tajba mir-residenti u minn shabek il-haddiema l-ohra. Tippretendix li bl-ghajjat se tirrenga xi haga. Turi qatt l-icken indecizjoni f’dak li tkun bi hsiebek taghmel. Trid tkun ‘leader’ fis-sens l-aktar qawwi tal-kelma, ghaliex l-integrità tieghek bhala ufficjal hija dejjem f’pozizzjoni mill-aktar perikoluza. Trid tkun taf bl-ezatt il-limiti ta’ l-awtorità tieghek. Turi qatt li gejt imwegga’ jew irrabjat personalment billi ssir pastas, baxx jew oxxen b’xi mod.
ZOMM DEJJEM SENS TA’ PROPORZJON. Haga zghira, iggibhiex bi kbira, u mbaghad sitwazzjoni akbar thallieha tahrablekminntaht idejk ghax ma tkunx informat bizzejjed jew ghax ma tafx kif se ggib ruhek maghha.
INFORMA RUHEK SEW fuq dak li b’mod generali jistennew minnek ir-regoli tal-habs; fuq il-livelli ta’ l-awtorità li tigi fuqek; xi bzonnijiet joholqu fin-nies in-nuqqas ta’ edukazzjoni u sfog; u l-qawwa kbira li ghandu parir spiritwali.
TONQOS QATT MILLI TURI RISPETT. Generalment, resident huwa persuna regonevoli. Hallih jesprimi lilu nnifsu, ghax ir-rispett huwa l-bazi tad-dixxiplina, u biex ikollha l-akbar effett, id-dixxiplina trid tkun zgura u impersonali.
URI L-APPREZZAMENT TIEGHEK meta xi hadd igib ruhu sewwa. Ir-residenti u shabek il-haddiema l-ohra jhobbu daqsek ’l min jurihom gratitudni. Xi kultant donnha nieqsa dik il-ftit tal-ghozza. L-apprezzament li turi llum tista’ tnehhi l-bzonn tad-dixxiplina ghada.
TIRRIFJUTA QATT TALBA RAGONEVOLI. Meta tichad xi talba, spjega ghaliex jehtieg li jsir hekk u skuza ruhek.
TIKKASTIGA QATT IL-GRUPP KOLLU; biss, meta jkun hemm bzonn taghmel hekk, spjega ghaliex. Jekk tista’ thalli xi toqba li minnha jista’ johrog l-innocenti, halliha.
THEDDED QATT ID-DIXXIPLINA. Qis li meta jkun hemm bzonn id-dixxiplina, tuzaha u tkun appoggjat mis-superjuri tieghek.Metathoss il-bzonn li titlob l-appogg tas-superjur tieghek, aghtih il-fatti u r-ragunijiet kollha mehtiega, u qis li taghmel dan bil-miktub. Is-superjur tieghek ghandu x’jitlef daqsek, imma tistenniex li jista’ jaqralek mohhok.
TUZA QATT FORZA META M’HEMMX BZONNHA biex tikkontrolla sitwazzjoni. Jekk tibda bil-forza, imbaghad il-bqija jkollu jsir bil-hruxija. Ufficjal li juza l-hruxija jrid iwiegeb ghal ghemilu.
OHLOQ RELAZZJONIJIET TAJBA MA’ BARRANIN. Ittratta lill-vizitaturi bl-akbar edukazzjoni. Evita l-propaganda u l-wicc b’iehor. Ipprova ghamel ftit aktar sforz milli d-dmirijiet tieghek ta’ gwardjan jitolbu u aghti sehemek ghall-kuntentizza ta’ haddiehor.