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Call for Applications

RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMME MANAGER     Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Għad-Dawl welcomes interested parties to submit their applications and CV for the post of House Manager to work on a full-time basis in a community-based offender reintegration programme. Qualifications and experience claimed must be supported by certificates and documents.   Role Responsibilities The job’s primary responsibilities include overseeing […]

Child-Centred Practice Training

Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam għad-Dawl held a four-day training course for police officers, social workers working with children and other professionals from the Victim Support Unit. Trainers Russell Massie and Owen Miller from the Thames Valley Police shared their expertise in the field of child-centred practice in relation to violence reduction, child-criminal exploitation, extra-familial harm and data […]

Jien u Int

Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl, together with IFT Malta and with the support of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality, the Ministry for Justice and the initiative Skema Solidarjeta mal-Vittmi tad-Droga, worked to create an engaging space, outside of prison, where children and their incarcerated parents can converse, play together and partake in activities […]

Children meeting their parents

On Friday 26th November, Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl signed an MOU with the Ministry for Home Affairs, National Security and Law Enforcement, in the presence of  the Minister Hon. Dr Byron Camilleri and Mr Robert Brincau, acting Director at CSA, in which Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl will be offering a space outside prison walls where prisoners can meet […]

MFCS and MDD social agreement

Fl- 1 t’Ottubru, il-Fondazzjoni MDD iffirmat ftehim ghal 3 snin mal-Ministeru ghas-Solidarjeta’, il-Gustizzja Socjali, il-Familja u d-Drittijiet tat-Tfal, li permezz tieghu, MDD se tinghata madwar 50,000 biex tkompli tmexxi l-homeless shelters li jesghu 5 persuni li jkunu hargu mill-habs u m’ghandhomx fejn joqoghdu. Il-ftehim gie ffirmat minn Mr Mark Musu, segretarju permanenti fil Ministeru, ic-chairperson […]


Nhar il-Hamis 8 ta’ Lulju, Matthew Agius, Deputy Chairperson ta’ MDD kien parti mill-panel ta’ diskussjoni tal-konferenza Reintegration of Ex-Offenders – Social Vision for Malta 2035, li l-Ministeru Ghas-Solidarjeta’ u l-Gustizzja Socjali, il-Familja u d-Drittijiet tat-Tfal organizza sabiex tigi diskussa vizjoni u implimentazzjoni ta’ strategiji li jghinu sabiex persuni li jkunu hargu mill-habs ihossuhom parti […]


Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl (MDD) is one of the leading experts with 25 years of experience in the field of family intervention with prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families. Building on their previous research titled, Locked Out, Families of the Incarcerated, MDD will be integrating supportive housing and therapeutic services to prisoners and their families. The aim is […]


Il-Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl qed tahdem fuq proposti li ghamel il-Ministeru ghall-Interm, is-Sigurta’ Nazzjonali u l-Infurzar tal-Ligi rigward l-introduzzjoni tal-Monitoragg Elettroniku ( Electronic Tagging ). Il-link biex tippartecipa int ukoll huwa :  https://meae.gov.mt/…/PublicConsultationonElectronicMon…