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A fairly comprehensive overview of the prison system in Malta and, particularly, the Corradino Correctional Facility at Paola. Language: Maltese ISBN: 99932-00-45-X


A professional research about the life and times of one of Malta’s most outstanding social reformer and patriot, Manuel Dimech (1860-1921). Language: Maltese ISBN: 99909-03-98-0 & 99909-03-99-9

Jien, Manwel Dimech

An abridged version of the life of Manuel Dimech, Malta’s great tragic hero who had been a prisoner for 20 years before becoming an astounding social reformer. Language: Maltese ISBN-13: 978-9932-26-06-2 ISBN-10: 99932-26-06-8

First Shelter

L-Ewwel Kenn First Shelter In collaboration with the Lands Department, the Housing Department and the Housing Authority, Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl has embarked on this project to offer the possibility of a small temporary residence to prisoners completing their term of sentence and leaving the prisons without any place to live. TERMS OF REFERENCE Aims The temporary […]

Life Skills Project

Wara hidma kontinwa ta’ aktar minn hmistax -il sena mal-pigunieri, eks-prigunieri u l-familji taghhom il-Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl (MDD) thoss li wasal iz-zmien li taghmel pass iehor ‘il quddiem u timbarka fuq hidma ta’ prevenzjoni li ghandha tghin lil dawk li qeghdin pass boghod milli jidhlu l-habs sabiex jibqghu ma jitilfux il-liberta’. Ghal dan il-ghan hsibna […]