Konferenza – Tfal, Gustizzia, Kriminalita’,

Il-Konferenza Pubblika organizzata mill-fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl fis-6 ta’ Mejju, bl-isem Tfal Gustizzja’ Kriminalita’ kienet success kemm mil-lat ta’ attendenza kif ukoll mil-lat ta’ partecipazzjoni. Dis-sena l-konferenza kienet iccentrata fuq it-tema tar-relazzjonijiet bejn il-prigunieri u t-tfal taghhom u kif sentenza ta’ habs tolqot mhux biss lill-prigunier izda anke lil dawk ta’ madwaru b’mod specjali t-tfal tieghu. F’dinil-konferenza Dr.Marilyn Clark tkellmet fuq il-fatturi li jwasslu biex tfal u minuri jkunu f’riskju akbar ta’ kriminalita’ u anke fuq metodi ta’ prevenzjoni. Dr. Ruth Farrugia tkellemet aktar fuq ir-relazzjonijiet bejn il-prigunieri u t-tfal taghhom u x’ligijiet hemm b’mod specjali fl-Ewropa li jiddefendu d-drittijiet tat-tfal. Dr. Anna Maria Vella gabet numru ta’ ezempji biex turi li t-tfal kwazi dejjem jispiccaw vittmi meta genitur jew il-genituri taghhom jispiccaw il-habs. Il-Kummissarju tat-tfal, Ms. Helen D’Amato li kienet ukoll prezenti ghall-konferenza ghalqet billi accennat mill-gdid fuq l-importanza li jkollna sistemi fejn it-tfal ma jkunux vittmi f’cirku vizzjuz li jmur anke generazzjonijiet ‘il boghod.

Il-Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl prezentat ukoll studju li sar ma’ 78 prigunier (nisa u rgiel) li huma lkoll genituri. F’dan l-istudju li hu wiehed uniku ghall-gzejjer Maltin, Dr. Nicholas Valenzia, segretarju tal-Fondazzjoni wera kemm il-kuntatt tal-prigunieri u t-tfal taghhom b’mod specjali fil-habs ta’ Kordin hu nieqes kif ukoll ghajnuniet bhal counselling u anke postijiet attrezzati biex isir hin ta’ kommunikazzjoni u relazzjoni bejn il-prigunieri u t-tfal taghhom hu nieqes ghal kollox. Il-fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Ghad-Dawl, temm jghid Dr. Valenzia temmen li t-tfal mhux biss m’ghandhomx ikunu vittmi imma ghandhom ikunu strumentali fir-riabilitazzjoni tal-prigunieri.

REĊIDIVITA’: għaliex ?

Fis-16 t’April 2010, il-Fondazzjoni Mid-Dlam Għad-Dawl organizzat il-konferenza pubblika fuq is-suġġett tar-Reċidivita’. Għal din il-konferenza kien hemm attendenza numeruża u kienu preżenti anke l-ġurnalisti. IL-kelliema f’din il-konferenza kienu s-sur Desmond Zammit Marmara’, Dr Marilyn Clark, Dr Joe Giglio, Ms Marianne Zammit u Dr Charles Cassar. F’din il-konferenza MDD ippreżentat ukoll analiżi ta’ statistika li saret ma’ bosta priġunieri Maltin li daħlu l-ħabs għal aktar minn darba. Sfortunatament, fil-konferenza ħareġ ċar li jidher li m’hemmx sistema uniformi u effettiva’ ta’ riforma għall-priġunieri.

Ex-Prisoners: Branded for ever!?

April 10, 2008
Public Conference
on the theme
‘Ex-Prisoners: Branded for ever!?’
St. James Cavalier, Valletta, Malta

What real prospects do prisoners face after leaving the prisons? This is something so many talk about but very few work upon. The future of most ex-prisoners is blight. The conference, organised on the occasion of MDD’s 13th anniversary of its establishment, was addressed by various experts in the field, including Prison Director Sandro Gatt, Rehabilitative Centre Head Charles Miceli, ETC Advisor Antoinette Camilleri, Shelter Coordinator Charles Mifsud, Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, Ex-Prisoners Care Worker Matthew Agius, and the Minister for Social Policy John Dalli. During the conference MDD launched the results of a research study made with prison inmates in January 2008 on their future hopes and prospectives. The conference was very well attended, and also attracted good press coverage.

Parole: Its time has come?

March 1, 2006
Public Seminar
on the theme
‘Parole: Its time has come?’
Millennium Chapel Complex, Paceville, Malta

In collaboration with the Foundation Mikiel Anton Vassalli

The aim of this seminar was to continue the public discussion about the introduction of the parole system inMalta. The meeting was addressed by Dr José Herrera, Labour MP; Ms. Violete Calleja, a mother of a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment; Dr Jason Azzopardi, Nationalist MP; Dr Gavin Gulia, Shadow Minister for Internal Affairs; Dr Tonio Borg, Minister for Justice and Home Affairs; and Dr Mark Montebello on behalf of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl. Public attendance and press coverage were quite good.

Victims of Crime: Towards a better future

February 4 , 2005
on the theme
‘Victims of Crime: Towards a better future’
Robert Samut Hall, Floriana, Malta

This conference was addressed by some of the local heavy-weights in criminal justice, such as Dr Vincent Chief Justice De Gaetano, President Emeritus, Prof. Guido Demarco, and others. The participation of the publice was good, and media coverage was extensive. The other speakers were Dr Anton Felice (Director of the Malta Insurance Association), Dr David Zammit (Association for Human Rights), Dr Edward Saliba (specialist on victims’ rights), Dr Jacqueline Azzopardi (Institute for Forensic Studies of the University of Malta), and Dr Mark Montebello (Victim Support Malta). The conference was chaired by Ivan Cauchi, Coordintor of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl, and introduced by Rachel Agius, Coordinator of Victim Support Malta. George Busuttil, secretary of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl, was secretary to the conference. The occasion was a follow-up of the national seminar organised in November 2004 (see above). It dealt with the position of victims of crime within the criminal justice system. The conference was sponsored by CasanMamo Insurance.

Victims of Crime in Malta

November 11, 2004
Working Seminar
on the theme
‘Victims of Crime in Malta’
Paola Local Council, Paola, Malta

This year’s meeting was not open to the general public. It was rather a working seminar on the state of victim services in Maltaamongst chosen delegates. The seminar, was intended as a “stock-taking” exercise, was a first in Malta. Never has there been in the past a seminar dealing with such a theme. The seminar registered the current situation in Maltaas regards services to victims of crime, a brain-storming operation, and also a step forward in the direction of the establishment of Victim Support Malta. All interested organisations and institutions were invited to attend and address the seminar. The guest speaker at the event was Dame Helen Reeves, Chairperson of Victim SupportUK, and Victim Support Europe (VSE; formerly the European Forum for Victim Services). The seminar was also addressed by Dr Tonio Borg, Minister for Justice and Home Affairs.

Meeting on Home Leave

November 2, 2001
Meeting on Home Leave
St James Chavalier, Valletta

“Home Leave” was a proposal Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl made to the government for regular familial visits of prisoners to their families. The public meeting concentrated on this proposal.

For active participation at the meeting, Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl had invited the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Tonio Borg; the prison Director, Emmanuel Cassar; and the Shadow Minister for Home Affairs, Dr Gavin Gulia. However, to our great disappointment, not anyone of them appeared for the occasion. The meeting was unfortunately also poorly attended by the public.

Those who attended and participated actively were Gillian Bartolo, a journalist of The Malta Independent on Sunday; and Mario Mallia, the Vice-President of Malta’s thirt party, Alternattiva Demokratika. Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl was represented by Ivan Cauchi, the then Director of the organisation.

Though the public attended poorly, the members of the press were numerous. These subsequently gave a most satisfactory report of the occasion.

The discussion was very lively, with active participation from the floor, and from various local groups, both private and governmental.

Meeting on the Families of Prisoners

April 21, 2001
Meeting on the Families of Prisoners
Workers’ Memorial Building, Valletta

All the other public meetings were organised in the evening. This meeting was the only one held in the morning, and on a Saturday. This was intended to entice the general public to attend the meeting, which it did indeed. For that numerous attendence, Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl was assisted by Guzè Ellul Mercer Foundation, which informed its members of the activity.

The theme, Families of Prisoners: A past without a future?, was chosen as part of the campaign Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl had been putting up during that year. The idea of the meeting was to highlight the problems prisoners’ families meet due to their relatives’ incarceration.

The meeting was initally addressed lawyer Dr Lynn Zahra, journalist Ms Pamela Hansen, and Dr Mark Montebello on behalf of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl. The discussion was directed by the then Director of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl, Ivan Cauchi.

The discussion that ensued was very lively with the full and enthusiastic participation of the public in attendence.

Meeting with H.E. Prof. Guido de Marco

October 20, 2000
Meeting with H.E. Prof. Guido de Marco
President of the Republic
Metropole Hotel, Sliema

This meeting was somewhat disappointing. Unfortunately, though thoroughly prepared and organised, H.E. the President of the Republic was late in coming to the venue and early in leaving. Incidentally, the President left rather apruptly due to the fact that he strongly objected to some comments made by Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl and from the floor.

The theme discussed was Are the Priosners Human too? H.G. the Bishop of Gozo,Mons. Nicholas Cauchi, attended and addressed the meeting together with the President of the Republic. Public attendence, amongst whom numerous families of prisoners, was extremely good.

In its address, Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl highlighted aspects from the administration of justice at the local courts, the work leave and family leave proposals for prisoners, and the problems of prisoners’ families. The speech was prepared by Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl together with the prisoners during their weekly meetings in the prisons.

Unfortunately, however, the President objected strongly for doubts expressed in relation to the clean administration of justice, where it was said that money talk more than lawyers. Explaining that he had to leave early, the President abruptly walked out of the hall to the great astonishment, and disappointment, of all those present.

It must be said that, a couple of years later, when a magistrate and the Chief Justice himself were accused of corruption, Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl was proved absolutely right in its comments that day. This did not go unnoticed by the President of the Republic himself.

Meeting with the Hon. Dr Tonio Borg

May 21, 1999
Meeting with the Hon. Dr Tonio Borg
Minister of Home Affairs
On the Conditions of the Arrested
Dar it-Tama, Cospicua

For this meeting, Mid-Dlam had invited the Prime Minister, Dr Edward Fenech Adami. However, the PM preferred that the meeting should take place with the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Tonio Borg, since the prisons were under his direct responsibility.

The public meeting, incidentally, was very different from any other organised by Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl. The main hall of Dar it-Tama, Cospicua, the centre from where Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl co-ordinates all its work, was transformed into a large studio under the direction of the technicians of the national station Radio MaltaTwo. The meetings, in fact, in its entirity, was broadcasted live on this station and also on Radju Kottoner, the community radio station of Daritama.

The theme of the meeting was The Calvary of the Arrested. This very provocative and interesting subject was led by lawyer Dr Joseph Giglio on behalf of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl. The other participants were the Minister for Home Affairs, Dr Tonio Borg; the Shadow Minister for Home Affairs, Dr Angelo Farrugia; and the Shadow Minister for Justice, Dr Gavin Gulia. Though invited, the Minister for Justice, Dr Austin Gatt, could not attend. The discussion was directed by Dr Mark Montebello of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl. The public attended numerously, and participated enthusiastically.

The meeting was a great success. Its form, a new experience for Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl, was originally suggested by Albano Grima, an ex-prisoner quite active in the organisation. Following the end of the broadcast, all participants were invited for a reception at Dar it-Tama itself.

The press followed and reported the occasion very generously. The Malta Independent even published it as a front-page leader.

In preparation for the occasion, the Tuesday before the meeting, that is on May 8, Dr Giglio personally met the prisoners during the weekly meeting of Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl at the prisons. In such manner, Dr Giglio was well prepared both accademically and with suggestions and comments from the prisoners themselves.